The main and most important passing guideline is this: Pass riders when you are parallel to them or going away from them. That’s the main push of this article. This guideline clearly delineates passing zones because when we pass riders who are parallel to our path of travel or going away from our path of travel, passing is easy and safe.
This approach to passing has no caveats or exceptions. It opens passing up to inside and outside, depending upon where on the track the passing is occurring. It makes this clear: A poor pass is if the rider is moving toward your line as you approach them.
Sometimes its pistons would seize. Other times they broke up for no apparent reason.
Tina D.
During the power stroke, gas pressure pushes the piston downward but the angle of the connecting rod, transmitting that force to the rotating crankshaft, pushes the piston quite firmly against the rear cylinder wall. Then on compression, the resistance of the fuel-air mixture to being compressed above the piston again acts through the connecting rod, which is now angled to press the piston against the front cylinder wall.
Passing for Their Comfort
- Don’t ruin your session by getting stuck behind someone you can’t pass safely.
- If a pass forces the slower rider to change lines, it’s bad.
- Have empathy for the slower rider by remembering when you started.
Safe and polite passing by veteran riders is key to growing our sport. Let me put that another way: Unsafe and close passes will drive new riders from the trackdays and they will write things like, “Don’t go to a trackday, those guys will stand you up and take you out.” Our sport shrinks. A quick thumbs-up to a slower rider is easy and grows our sport.
Most Important Passing Guideline

The main and most important passing guideline is this: Pass riders when you are parallel to them or going away from them. That’s the main push of this article. This guideline clearly delineates passing zones because when we pass riders who are parallel to our path of travel or going away from our path of travel, passing is easy and safe.
The answer was to have its pistons made by a specialist firm that had the dedicated production equipment to make oval pistons with the necessary two-stage taper. Gilera chose Borgo, who remains in the piston business to this day.